ESLint v8.x reached end-of-life on 2024-10-05 and is no longer maintained. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

ESLint v8.54.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v8.54.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.



Bug Fixes

  • 98926e6 fix: Ensure that extra data is not accidentally stored in the cache file (#17760) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • e8cf9f6 fix: Make dark scroll bar in dark theme (#17753) (Pavel)
  • 3cbeaad fix: Use cwd constructor option as config basePath in Linter (#17705) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • becfdd3 docs: Make clear when rules are removed (#17728) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 05d6e99 docs: update “Submit a Pull Request” page (#17712) (Francesco Trotta)
  • eb2279e docs: display info about deprecated rules (#17749) (Percy Ma)
  • d245326 docs: Correct working in migrating plugin docs (#17722) (Filip Tammergård)


  • d644de9 chore: upgrade @eslint/js@8.54.0 (#17773) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1e6e314 chore: package.json update for @eslint/js release (Jenkins)
  • 6fb8805 chore: Fixed grammar in issue_templates/rule_change (#17770) (Joel Mathew Koshy)
  • 85db724 chore: upgrade markdownlint to 0.31.1 (#17754) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 6d470d2 chore: update dependency recast to ^0.23.0 (#17736) (renovate[bot])
  • b7121b5 chore: update dependency markdownlint-cli to ^0.37.0 (#17735) (renovate[bot])
  • 633b9a1 chore: update dependency regenerator-runtime to ^0.14.0 (#17739) (renovate[bot])
  • acac16f chore: update dependency vite-plugin-commonjs to ^0.10.0 (#17740) (renovate[bot])
  • ba8ca7e chore: add .github/renovate.json5 (#17567) (Josh Goldberg ✨)

The latest ESLint news, case studies, tutorials, and resources.

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ESLint v9.14.0 released

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