ESLint v8.x reached end-of-life on 2024-10-05 and is no longer maintained. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

ESLint v3.5.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v3.5.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds a new feature and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


This is a summary of the major changes you need to know about for this version of ESLint.

New Rules

The following new rules were added in this release:


Eight rules gained support for the --fix command line option:



  • 08fa538 Update: fix false negative of arrow-spacing (fixes #7079) (#7080) (Toru Nagashima)
  • cec65e3 Update: add fixer for no-floating-decimal (fixes #7070) (#7081) (not-an-aardvark)
  • 538d258 Update: make no-implicit-coercion support autofixing. (fixes #7056) (#7061) (Eli White)
  • 883316d Update: add fixer for prefer-arrow-callback (fixes #7002) (#7004) (not-an-aardvark)
  • 7502eed Update: auto-fix for comma-style (fixes #6941) (#6957) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • 645dda5 Update: add fixer for dot-notation (fixes #7014) (#7054) (not-an-aardvark)
  • 656bb6e Update: add fixer for newline-before-return (fixes #5958) (#7050) (Vitor Balocco)
  • e118728 Update: add fixer for wrap-regex (fixes #7013) (#7048) (not-an-aardvark)
  • f4fcd1e Update: add more indent options for functions (fixes #6052) (#7043) (not-an-aardvark)
  • 657eee5 Update: add fixer for new-parens (fixes #6994) (#7047) (not-an-aardvark)
  • ff19aa9 Update: improve max-statements-per-line message (fixes #6287) (#7044) (Jordan Harband)
  • 22c7e09 Update: no-magic-numbers false negative on reassigned vars (fixes #4616) (#7028) (not-an-aardvark)
  • be29599 Update: Throw error if whitespace found in plugin name (fixes #6854) (#6960) (Jesse Ostrander)
  • 00b3042 Update: Pass file path to parse function (fixes #5344) (#7024) (Annie Zhang)
  • 8e77f16 Update: new-parens false negative (fixes #6997) (#6999) (Toru Nagashima)

Bug Fixes

  • 2a3f699 Fix: Column number for no-multiple-empty-lines (fixes #7086) (#7088) (Ian VanSchooten)
  • d9513b7 Fix: Allow linting of .hidden files/folders (fixes #4828) (#6844) (Ian VanSchooten)
  • 2657846 Fix: no-console ignores user-defined console (fixes #7010) (#7058) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 1f995c3 Fix: no-implicit-coercion string concat false positive (fixes #7057) (#7060) (Kai Cataldo)
  • 4063a79 Fix: Rule message placeholders can be inside braces (fixes #6988) (#7041) (Kevin Partington)
  • 256c4a2 Fix: Allow separate mode option for multiline and align (fixes #6691) (#6991) (Annie Zhang)


  • 6947299 Docs: Add info about closing accepted issues to docs (fixes #6979) (#7089) (Kai Cataldo)
  • d30157a Docs: Add link to awesome-eslint in integrations page (#7090) (Vitor Balocco)
  • 457be1b Docs: Update so issues are not required (fixes #7015) (#7072) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 6718749 Docs: Clarify that es6 env also sets ecmaVersion to 6 (#7067) (Jérémie Astori)
  • 52e8d9c Docs: Clean up sort-vars (#7045) (Matthew Dunsdon)
  • 3f13325 Docs: Add kaicataldo and JamesHenry to our teams (#7039) (alberto)
  • 326f457 Docs: Add missing ‘to’ in no-restricted-modules (#7022) (Oskar Risberg)
  • 61f1de0 Docs: Fix typo in no-debugger (#7019) (Denis Ciccale)
  • a989a7c Docs: Declaring dependency on eslint in shared config (fixes #6617) (#6985) (alberto)
  • 6869c60 Docs: Fix minor typo in no-extra-parens doc (#6992) (Jérémie Astori)
  • 28f1619 Docs: Update the example of SwitchCase (#6981) (fish)


  • fa760f9 Chore: no-regex-spaces uses internal rule message format (fixes #7052) (#7053) (Kevin Partington)
  • 4126f12 Chore: Rule messages use internal rule message format (fixes #6977) (#6989) (Kevin Partington)

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