ESLint v8.x reached end-of-life on 2024-10-05 and is no longer maintained. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

ESLint v2.10.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v2.10.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


This is a summary of the major changes you need to know about for this version of ESLint.

New Rules

This version introduces one new rule:

New Rule Options

A few rules got additional options:


  • f84eb80 New: Add new rule object-property-newline (fixes #5667) (#5933) (Vitor Balocco)


  • 767da6f Update: add returnAssign option to no-extra-parens (fixes #6036) (#6095) (Kai Cataldo)
  • 0734967 Update: Add an option to prefer-const (fixes #5692) (#6040) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 7941d5e Update: Add autofix for lines-around-comment (fixes #5956) (#6062) (alberto)
  • 8633e4d Update: multipass should not exit prematurely (fixes #5995) (#6048) (alberto)
  • 3c44c2c Update: Adds an avoidQuotes option for object-shorthand (fixes #3366) (#5870) (Chris Sauvé)
  • a3a6e06 Update: no-irregal-whitespace in a regular expression (fixes #5840) (#6018) (Linda_pp)

Bug Fixes

  • 10b0933 Fix: Optimize no-irregular-whitespace for the common case (fixes #6116) (#6117) (Andres Suarez)
  • e13e696 Fix: _ and $ in isES5Constructor (fixes #6085) (#6094) (Kevin Locke)
  • 67916b9 Fix: no-loop-func crashed (fixes #6130) (#6138) (Toru Nagashima)
  • d311a62 Fix: Sort fixes consistently even if they overlap (fixes #6124) (#6133) (alberto)
  • 067db14 Fix: Replace assert.deepEqual by lodash.isEqual (fixes #6111) (#6112) (alberto)
  • 52fdf04 Fix: no-multiple-empty-lines duplicate errors at BOF (fixes #6113) (#6114) (alberto)
  • ef739cd Fix: Merge various command line configs at the same time (fixes #6104) (#6108) (Ed Lee)
  • 6df4b23 Fix: no-return-assign warning nested expressions (fixes #5913) (#6041) (Toru Nagashima)
  • d40017f Fix: comma-style accounts for parens in array (fixes #6006) (#6038) (Kai Cataldo)
  • a9a4652 Fix: throw when rule uses fix but meta.fixable not set (fixes #5970) (#6043) (Vitor Balocco)
  • 388d6f8 Fix: no-sequences false negative at arrow expressions (fixes #6082) (#6083) (Toru Nagashima)
  • a66bf19 Fix: lines-around-comment multiple errors on same line (fixes #5965) (#5994) (alberto)
  • ef8cbff Fix: object-shorthand should only lint computed methods (fixes #6015) (#6024) (Kai Cataldo)
  • dd8bf93 Fix: blockless else in max-statements-per-line (fixes #5926) (#5993) (Glen Mailer)
  • 3db2e89 Fix: Do not swallow exceptions in CLIEngine.getFormatter (fixes #5977) (#5978) (Gustav Nikolaj)
  • eb2fb44 Fix: Always ignore defaults unless explicitly passed (fixes #5547) (#5820) (Ian VanSchooten)
  • 2f15354 Fix: Removed false positives of break and continue (fixes #5972) (#6000) (Onur Temizkan)


  • 098cd9c Docs: Distinguish examples in rules under Stylistic Issues part 4 (#6136) (Kenneth Williams)
  • 805742c Docs: Clarify JSX option usage (#6132) (Richard Collins)
  • 36bec90 Docs: linkify URLs in (#6150) (chrisjshull)
  • 29c401a Docs: Convert rules in index under Removed from list to table (#6091) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • 6294459 Docs: Correct syntax for default ignores and .eslintignore example (#6118) (alberto)
  • e6f56da Docs: Document --ignore-pattern (#6120) (alberto)
  • c4fc39b Docs: Update headings of rules under Removed (refs #5774) (#6102) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • 04563ca Docs: Describe options in rules under Possible Errors part 2 (#6063) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • 0b67170 Docs: Correct default for one-var-declaration-per-line (fixes #6017) (#6022) (Ed Lee)
  • 992d9cf Docs: Fix typography/teriminology in indent doc (fixes #6045) (#6044) (Rich Trott)
  • ad10106 Docs: Update comma-style docs (#6039) (Kai Cataldo)
  • 8e96064 Docs: Clarify rule example in README since we allow string error levels (#6061) (Kevin Partington)
  • a2cc54e Docs: Organize meta and describe visitor in Working with Rules (#5967) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • d5f4104 Docs: mention parsing errors in strict mode (fixes #5485) (#5991) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • 249732e Docs: Move docs from (fixes #5964) (#6012) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 4c2de6c Docs: Add example of diff clarity to comma-dangle rule docs (#6035) (Vitor Balocco)
  • ab57e94 Docs: Add example of diff clarity to newline-per-chained-call (#5986) (Vitor Balocco)
  • 88bc014 Docs: Update readme info about jshint (#6027) (alberto)
  • a2c15cc Docs: put config example in code block (#6005) (Amos Wenger)
  • a5011cb Docs: Fix a wrong examples’ header of prefer-arrow-callback. (#6020) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 1484ede Docs: Typo in nodejs-api (#6025) (alberto)
  • ade6a9b Docs: typo: “eslint-disable-line” not “eslint disable-line” (#6019) (Will Day)
  • 06f6252 Build: Use split instead of slice/indexOf for commit check (fixes #6109) (#6110) (Ed Lee)
  • 716345f Build: Match rule id at beginning of heading (refs #5774) (#6089) (Mark Pedrotti)
  • dc538aa Build: Pin proxyquire to “>=1.0.0 <1.7.5” (fixes #6096) (#6100) (alberto)


  • 5d390b2 Chore: Replace deprecated calls to context - batch 4 (fixes #6029) (#6087) (alberto)
  • 4ae39d2 Chore: Replace deprecated calls to context - batch 3 (refs #6029) (#6056) (alberto)
  • cd1b057 Chore: Replace deprecated calls to context - batch 2 (refs #6029) (#6049) (alberto)
  • 9b9d76c Chore: Replace deprecated calls to context - batch 1 (refs #6029) (#6034) (alberto)

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