ESLint v8.x reached end-of-life on 2024-10-05 and is no longer maintained. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

ESLint v2.2.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v2.2.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


  • 59e9c5b New: eslint-disable-next-line (fixes #5206) (Kai Cataldo)

Bug Fixes

  • 2977248 Fix: Do not cache .eslintrc.js (fixes #5067) (Nick)
  • 211eb8f Fix: no-multi-spaces conflicts with smart tabs (fixes #2077) (Afnan Fahim)
  • 6dc9483 Fix: Crash in constructor-super (fixes #5319) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • 7020b82 Fix: sort-imports warned between default and members (fixes #5305) (Toru Nagashima)
  • 2f4cd1c Fix: constructor-super and no-this-before-super false (fixes #5261) (Toru Nagashima)
  • afb6708 Fix: indent rule forgot about some CallExpressions (fixes #5295) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • 0b1cd19 Fix: Ignore parser option if set to default parser (fixes #5241) (Kai Cataldo)


  • 45a22b5 Docs: remove esprima-fb from suggested parsers (Henry Zhu)
  • a4d9cd3 Docs: Fix semi rule typo (Brandon Mills)
  • 9d005c0 Docs: Correct option name in no-implicit-coercion rule (Neil Kistner)
  • 3f48875 Docs: Fix yield star spacing examples (Dmitriy Lazarev)
  • 4dab76e Docs: Update preferType heading to keep code format (fixes #5307) (chinesedfan)
  • d18d406 Docs: Update PR creation bot message (fixes #5268) (Nicholas C. Zakas)

The latest ESLint news, case studies, tutorials, and resources.

Differences between ESLint and TypeScript
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Differences between ESLint and TypeScript

Linters such as ESLint and type checkers such as TypeScript catch different areas of code defects and are best used in conjunction with each other.

ESLint v9.15.0 released
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ESLint v9.15.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v9.15.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.

ESLint v9.14.0 released
2 min read

ESLint v9.14.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v9.14.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.