ESLint v8.x reached end-of-life on 2024-10-05 and is no longer maintained. Upgrade or consider long-term support options

ESLint 1.2.0 released

We just pushed ESLint v1.2.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


  • New: block-spacing rule (fixes #3303) (Toru Nagashima)
  • New: no-dupe-class-members rule (fixes #3294) (Toru Nagashima)
  • New: prefer-arrow-callback rule (fixes #3140) (Toru Nagashima)
  • New: prefer-template rule (fixes #3014) (Toru Nagashima)
  • New: Add commonjs environment (fixes #3377) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • New: enable -c flag to accept a shareable config (fixes #2543) (Shinnosuke Watanabe)


  • Update: Add support for Allman to brace-style rule, brackets on newline (fixes #3347) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: add support for semicolon in comma-first setup in indent rule (fixes #3423) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: allow disabling new-cap on object methods (fixes #3172) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: Clean up tests for CLI config support (refs #2543) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Update: Improve checkstyle format (fixes #3183) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: Improve error message for indent rule violation (fixes #3340) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: Improve validation error messages (fixes #3193) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: Make baseConfig to behave as other config options (fixes #3371) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Update: Make it clear that space-infix-ops support const (fixes #3299) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Update: Separate indent options for var, let and const (fixes #3339) (Burak Yigit Kaya)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix: id-length does not work for most of the new ES6 patterns (fixes #3286) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: indent rule to check for last line correctly (fixes #3327) (Gyandeep Singh)
  • Fix: key-spacing.align doesn’t pay attention to non-whitespace before key (fixes #3267) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: valid-jsdoc test does not recognize aliases for @param (fixes #3399) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Add AssignmentPattern to space-infix-ops (fixes #3380) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Apply plugin given in CLI (fixes #3383) (Ian VanSchooten)
  • Fix: arrow-parens & destructuring/default params (fixes #3353) (Jamund Ferguson)
  • Fix: exclude AssignmentExpression and Property nodes from extra indentation on first line (fixes #3391) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: false positive on switch ‘no duplicate case’, (fixes #3408) (Cristian Carlesso)
  • Fix: Inconsistent off-by-one errors with column numbers (fixes #3231) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Indent rule errors if an array literal starts a new statement (fixes #3328) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Indent rule errors with array of objects (fixes #3329) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Keyword “else” must not be followed by a newline (fixes #3226) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: object curly spacing incorrectly warning for import with default and multiple named specifiers (fixes #3370) (Luke Karrys)
  • Fix: radix rule does not apply for Number.parseInt (ES6) (fixes #3364) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Regression no-catch-shadow (1.1.0) (fixes #3322) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Fix: Spaced Comment Exceptions Not Working (fixes #3276) (Jamund Ferguson)
  • Fix: trailing commas in object-curly-spacing for import/export (fixes #3324) (Henry Zhu)


  • Docs: Add “Compatibility” section to linebreak-style (Vitor Balocco)
  • Docs: better JSDoc for indent rule (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Docs: Clarify no-process-env docs (fixes #3318) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Docs: Clarify what an unused var is (fixes #2342) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Docs: Document the second argument of CLIEngine.executeOnText() (Sindre Sorhus)
  • Docs: Fix arrow name typo (fixes #3309) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Docs: fix syntax error in space-before-function-paren (Fabrício Matté)
  • Docs: Fix typo: exception label (tienslebien)
  • Docs: Mention double-byte character limitation in max-len (fixes #2370) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Docs: remove note outdated in 1.0.0 (Denis Sokolov)
  • Docs: Update docs for no-iterator (fixes #3405) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • Docs: Update no-unused-var docs (Nicholas C. Zakas)

Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade: bump espree dependency to 2.2.4 (fixes #3403) (Burak Yigit Kaya)
  • Build: automatically convert line endings in release script (fixes #2642) (Burak Yigit Kaya)

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